Community Relations

Our Core Values promote our social programmes by valuing our employees, sustaining enduring relationships with our customers, and making positive contributions in the communities where we operate.

Our Ambition

We operate in 26 countries worldwide. Our people and operations are encouraged to develop a local strategy to make positive contributions to their communities through participation in local events. In 2023, our employees participated in and contributed to many community and charitable projects across the world. In 2023, we came together as ONE TI to sponsor aid for natural disasters occurring in locations near our operations. In 2023, we had two such global aid campaigns take place in Turkey and Morocco.



On 6 February 2023, there was a 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Turkey and Syria, killing over 55,000 people and injuring over 100,000 people. TI Fluid Systems partnered with the US Red Cross for a campaign to raise money for those affected by the earthquake in Turkey. TI Fluid Systems pledged an initial €10,000 and to match an additional €10,000 of employee donations. Employees contributed over €6,800 to the US Red Cross and a little over €3,000 to other local charities raising support for the earthquake in Turkey. In total, TI Fluid Systems and its employees raised €30,000 for Turkey aid initiatives.



On 8 September 2023, there was a 6.8 magnitude earthquake in Morocco, killing nearly 3,000 people and injuring more than 5,000 people. TI Fluid Systems partnered with the US Red Cross for a campaign to raise money for those affected by the earthquake in Morocco. TIFS pledged an initial €15,000 and matched an additional €3,000. TIFS employees contributed over €2,300 to the US Red Cross raising support for the earthquake in Morocco. In total, TI Fluid Systems and its employees raised over €20,000 for Morocco. We also seek to make a positive impact in the many local communities where we operate through local charitable and outreach activities. We established a scholarship programme to support and provide opportunities for female and minority students in need to pursue their STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) studies at colleges and universities in countries where we have significant operations. Programmes are currently in place in the United States, China, German, Poland and Mexico.