
Our sustainability strategy addresses the transitional risks and opportunities associated with vehicle electrification, as well as the need to operate a business in a more sustainable manner to address climate change and maintain a diverse and talented workforce. We have further refined our strategy to reflect three main pillars that combine to drive sustainable growth: Technology (Electrification), Transformation (Sustainability) and Talent (Learning).




At the heart of our strategy is product development and application engineering to support the electrification of the automotive industry. To meet the unique requirements of HEVs and BEVs, we are capitalising on our extensive knowledge of fluid components, lighter weight materials, systems architecture and manufacturing processes to provide our OEM customers with advanced designs and products, especially thermal management systems, that are efficient and economical. Our technology and advanced products are supporting the automotive industry’s transition to greener vehicles.

Material issues


  • Impact of products and services
  • Carbon – products and services
  • Resource use


  • Product safety

Our pipeline/targets

Bookings on lifetime revenue basis in 2022

€1.3bn HEV

€1.3bn BEV


Climate change is a significant issue, and the need to decarbonise our industry is crucial. We are committed to being an automotive industry leader to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build a more sustainable future. We recognise that we must also transform our business in line with new standards and expectations regarding the environment and broader business practices to deliver sustainable value to our stakeholders – investors, customers, suppliers, employers and the communities we operate in.

Material issues


  • Emissions – effluents
  • Carbon – own operations carbon
  • Land use and biodiversity
  • Water use – particularly scarcity
  • Waste management


  • Community relations
  • Data privacy and security


  • Corporate governance
  • Business ethics

Our pipeline/targets

Greenhouse gas emissions*
2030 targets

  • 50% reduction of our Scope 1 and 2 emissions and 30% reduction of our Scope 3 emissions, in each case compared to 2021 levels on a like-for-like basis

Water conservation
2030 target

  • FCS Process Plants: 25% reduction from 2020 baseline (3.00% annual reduction)
  • FCS Thermal Plants: 10% reduction from 2020 baseline (1.25% annual reduction)
  • FCS Systems, FTDS Pump and FTDS Tank Plants: change to 100% low-flow fixtures by 2030


Our success is directly linked to our ability to recruit, retain, motivate and develop a diverse and talented workforce ready for the new electrified future. In 2022, we embraced our ‘Fluid Learning’ online learning platform that provides every salaried employee with access to a variety of relevant educational and developmental tools to improve their skills and ability to be a valuable and enthusiastic participant in our collaborative organisation.

Material issues


  • Human rights
  • Human capital
  • Occupational health and safety

Our pipeline/targets

  • Targeting diversity hiring rates that are in line with or greater than the available candidate pool, measured by national university graduation rates for women
  • Ensure middle management is assessed for and provided training on inclusivity, as a fundamental management style to ensure our diversity initiatives are sustainable and embraced by the organisation
  • In 2022 our global gender split improved to 2.3/1.0 (male to female)