Diversity and Inclusion


Our strength as a globally respected company is directly tied to our talented and diverse teams, management and board leadership.

“At TI Fluid Systems, we recognise our team members are also members of the communities in which we are located. We aspire to be a company that is welcoming and seen as a valued member of communities around the globe. We are committed to creating a safe and inclusive workplace culture where diversity is valued, and diversity of experiences is appreciated. Innovation, creativity and respect are cornerstones of how we interact with customers and with each other.”

We recognise the importance of creating a culture that values and respects every stakeholder in our company. This is reflected in our commitment to diversity and inclusion, and building teams that share our vision of a world marked by knowledge and compassion.




We have established regional councils to further promote a diverse and inclusive culture locally by establishing priorities and initiatives for each region. 



Each respective council has individuals or sub-committees focused on topics such as training, talent retention, and communications. The D&I Councils receive support through corporate human resources to help guide and inform their initiatives, and every four weeks, representatives from all three councils meet with the Vice President, Human Resources to report on progress, share ideas and resources, identify new goals or focus areas, and plan upcoming initiatives.


TI Fluid Systems does not discriminate on the grounds of gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion or belief, disability, gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, race, colour, nationality, political affiliation, socio-economic or veteran status.

Promoting inclusive leadership

Learn about our Empowering Leaders programme where individual leaders completed a multi-rating assessment where they, along with supervisors, peers and team members, evaluated multiple facets of inclusive leadership.