
Our ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System reduces workplace risks and creates safer working conditions.


Plants certified under the ISO 45001 system


Plants added in 2021


Our plants that will be ISO 45001 certified by the end of 2024.

GRI safety reporting for employees, visitors, contractors and temporary employees – injury and illness

The health and safety of our employees is central to everything we do. We focus on safe working environments and eliminating work-related injuries and illnesses.

We report safety statistics to the Board at every meeting with breakdowns per plant, including all potentially life-threatening incidents and lost time injury frequency (‘LTIF’) for the organisation as a whole.


Our Corporate Safety Steering Committee is responsible for providing the architecture and direction for the Group’s safety-related programmes, determining our safety KPIs and objectives and helping to facilitate the implementation of our safety strategy.

The Cross-Divisional Safety Steering Committee brings together members from both operational divisions and the corporate safety team to implement policies and programs approved by the Corporate Safety Steering Committee.


At a local level, each plant has a safety committee that oversees hazard identification and assessments, accident investigations, safety audits, safety training, and recommends personnel protective equipment.

In 2020, we started measuring LTIF at each plant, on a globally consolidated basis. We calculated LTIF in accordance with the UK Health and Safety Executive. Our global LTIF for the period 2019 to 2021 is shown above. In 2020, our LTIF saw a significant reduction – driven by our strict COVID-19 protocols and regular EHS meetings with EHS plant teams, which are now in place as standard practice. In 2021, the LTIF saw a slight uptick from the 2020 achievement, consistently performing against industry benchmarks.



Providing a safe and healthy workplace for everyone in our facilities is a key priority. A breakdown of the 2021 injury data for fatalities, LTIF, and Recordable Injury Frequency (RIF) are shown in the graph below. We had no fatalities during the year.

An analysis of injuries for our contract, temporary work forces, and visitors shows a significantly lower LTIF and RIF than that of our full time work force. We believe that this is in part due to a well developed and strong safety induction training program that is established in all our facilities globally. We remain committed to continual improvement of our safety program and the reduction of workplace injuries for all those working on behalf of or visiting our company.